Oren Peli praat over The River

RDJ134 11 januari 2012 om 20:12 uur

Op 7 februari aanstaande zal The River op de Amerikaanse TV zijn debuut maken, hier in kan je zien hoe een groepje vrienden en familie opzoek gaan naar een vermist persoon in de Amazone. Deze serie is van de makers van Paranormal Activity, en is dus een lost footage serie. Oren Peli de man achter dit project gaf een interview aan de website Shocktillyoudrop.com.

Question: What's been the most surprising thing about developing the idea for television?

Oren Peli: Probably just the fact that it actually happens because every step of the way, you know, we had the idea and then we'd talk to DreamWorks and they were like, 'Oh, yeah, we love the idea. Lets pitch it.' Then we'd pitch it to ABC and they're like, 'We love the idea. Lets get a script done.' We get the script done and it was like, 'Okay, lets do a pilot.' Every step of the way we couldn't really believe that it was going to go all the way to actually becoming a show. Now we have a show and we'll see how the audience receives it. But it's gone much further than I ever dreamed it would go for basically a first try at TV.

Question: You have to wait and see how audiences respond to it, but how big is the mythology getting in your head?

Peli: What we've shot so far, the first eight episodes are actually really cool. Every week have a very exciting scare of the week, but we also advance the story of the search for Emmet Cole, the missing nature host. During some sort of the conclusion at the end of the first season, I'm not saying what it is, I'm not saying if it's good or bad, but there's going to be some sort of resolution. If we're lucky enough to have future seasons we do have some sort of a roadmap where we know where to go, but for now we've just been concentrating on the first season and wanting to make it a complete season on it's own. But we do know where to go if we're going to go further ahead beyond that.
