Hoe de politie consoles onderzoeken en aftappen

RDJ134 11 januari 2012 om 20:45 uur

Steeds vaker worden consoles onderzocht in politie onderzoeken naar misdaden, want hoelaat zat een verdachte op Xbox Live of het PlayStation Netwerk te gamen?? Of spreken criminelen met elkaar via de chat opties in games, en zo ja hoe nemen ze dat op?? De website Arstechnica.com heeft hier nu een behoorlijk diepgaand artikel overgeschreven, en dit is real life CSI op en top.

In other cases, the Xbox itself contains no illicit material, but its usage logs can still shed light on a case, or undermine an alibi. In August 2011, for instance, an investigator at the Orange County (NY) District Attorney's Office asked the mailing list for help.

On the X-box 360 kinect does anyone know if the date/time is user set or it comes from the server? I have a picture of the screen which shows a folder with a date. This is a Rape case where the defense is trying to introduce pictures from the X-box 360 of the victim playing a day after the rape. I do not have the X-box but I'm attaching the defenses picture. Any help would be appreciated.

Gaming logs were also being searched for in a January 2011 case from Binghamton, New York.

I have a question for the nerds and nerdettes: we have an xbox coming in on a homicide, or I guess a babycide, and we need to find out if the thing was being played during certain hours... I'm assuming we will be looking at saved games, or checkpoints reached.
