Tien veel voorkomende failures op retro consoles

RDJ134 31 januari 2012 om 17:00 uur

Wij van Eigenwereld.nl zijn gek op onze oude en nieuwe consoles, maar onder het mom van *vroegah* spelen we zo nu en dan nog met onze hardware. Maar zoals veel verzamelaars wel weten is dat ook deze soms behoorlijke problemen kunnen hebben. Denk aan DVD drives die het niet meer doen, of pin connectoren die afslijten etc etc. Daarom heeft de website Topless Robot tien mankementen op deze lijst gezet, en daar is de onderstaande mijn 'favoriet' van:

5) Total System Failure Due to the Console Never Being Intended to Have a Whole Game Machine Jammed in the Cartridge Slot, Sega 32X

I imagine the creation of the Sega 32X was something like this: a bunch of small dogs are placed in a warehouse and given bowls of chili. On the floor, spaced evenly in a giant grid, were console ideas. Whichever idea had the most dog crap piled on it at the end of the day Sega went with, hence the 32X. The 32X was essentially "Let's make a half-assed system by stacking another system on top of a Genesis." The problem with this was connection between the cartridge slot on the Genesis and the 32X wasn't so good - people would find that if you even bumped it slightly it would crash. Of course the cartridge slot pins would get bent over time, and then it wouldn't work at all. It's just a matter of the cartridge slot on the Genesis was never meant to hold so much weight.
