Veertien films die zo slecht zijn dat je toch blijft kijken

RDJ134 27 april 2010 om 02:19 uur

Je hebt wel eens van die films die echt zo slecht en over de top zijn, maar dat maakt niet uit je blijft toch kijken omdat er scenes in zitten die alles weer goed maken. De website heeft veertien films bekeken en deze lijst gemaakt. Onze keuze is gevallen op Road House omdat de uber held Swayze er in zit en iedereen de tyfus slaat.

Why It Sucks: The movie is about a bouncer (with a PhD mind you) who cleans up a nightclub and helps a town out. Does that sound like something that won't suck? Then they make the mistake of slowing the movie down towards the middle when all we want is to see Dalton kick ass. Movie also sucks because of the fashion. Look no further than Dalton, a guy that rocks a mullet looking type hairdo and at one point in the movie wears a karate top as a regular shirt. Seriously, Dalton wears jeans with a white karate top! Man, the 80s were messed up.

Why You Keep Watching It: Admit it, you live your life around Dalton's three simple rules. One; never underestimate your opponent. Expect the unexpected. Two; take it outside and three; be nice. Also a must watch for the nudity, the bar fights, to see Swayze kick ass and to learn about bar etiquette so you won't get your ass kicked when you go drinking.

Highlight Moment: The bar fight that breaks out when a guy doesn't have the $20 as payment for groping a chic's breasts.
