Concept artiest van Skyrim en Fallout overleden

RDJ134 10 februari 2012 om 23:48 uur

De naam Adam Adamowicz zal je net als mij waarschijnlijk niks zeggen, maar toch kennen we allemaal zijn werk. Want hij was de man die de concept art voor games als Skyrim en Fallout maakte. Waar aan hij vorige week is overleden is niet bekend, maar Bethesda en enkele anderen hebben een homage aan deze grote artiest gemaakt.

Earlier today we learned that Adam Adamowicz, one of the main concept artists behind Fallout 3, Skyrim and other Bethesda titles, passed away today. It was silently announced, but I'd like to shine some light on Adam because he was an anomaly in the game industry, a veritable one-man conceptual machine, who unlike his contemporary counterparts, did a majority of his work in non digital mediums. Fallout 3 was pretty much visually designed from the ground up by one humble man who got little to no recognition, nor sought it.

For those who are unaware, I also work in the videogame industry as a concept artist and often sought inspiration from what other conceptual designers were doing in the industry. Back when Fallout 3 was released, it came with a making of DVD showcasing how the game was built from the ground up. When Adam's art pit showed up in the video, with his own hand drawn art covering every inch of space from the ground up in his cubicle I was nothing short of blown away, and filled with inspiration.
