Vijf gekkenhuizen uit films waar je niet terecht wilt komen

RDJ134 14 februari 2012 om 23:48 uur

Eigenlijk zou je never nooit niet in een gekkenhuis willen komen, want dan is de kans groot dat je.... een beetje de weg kwijt bent. Maar in films zijn deze plekken waar de meeste gestoorde dingen gebeuren, zo is er altijd één rebel die voor wat plezier zorg, één patiënt die denkt dat hij een dokter is en één die niet gek is...of toch wel?? Maar goede we website heeft nu deze top vijf gemaakt met film gekkenhuizen waar je dus niet in terecht wilt komen, en mijn persoonlijk favoriet is:

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors - Westin Hills

Genre legend Wes Craven never intended to make a sequel to his classic film A Nightmare on Elm Street. In fact, he never wanted the film to become a franchise at all. New Line Cinema, on the other hand, had other ideas. They went right ahead and made A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (probably the worst film in the entire franchise) in 1985 without Craven's involvement. Luckily for Freddy fans, Craven came back (at least long enough to write a script with Bruce Wagner - it was later re-written by Frank Darabont and Chuck Russell) to help make A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. The film went on to become one of the series' favorite and Craven came back one last time in 1994 to write and direct Wes Craven's New Nightmare (the concept of which Craven originally thought up for his 1987 return to the franchise before New Line nixed the idea). The film takes place primarily in a psychiatric hospital named Westin Hills where Kristen Park ends up after suffering an attack from Freddy, which her mother mistakes for a suicide attempt. She's admitted alongside six other patients who make up the "last of the Elm Street children" and new staff member Nancy Thompson (Heather Langenkamp). Freddy starts attacking the kids in their dreams and killing them in the some of the series' most creative ways. He slashes Phillip's feet and wrists, turns him into a marionette, and sends him falling to his death. Freddy's head and arms come out of the TV and he smashes Jennifer's head directly into it, and he gives Taryn an overdose via needle fingers. Freddy's everywhere in Westin Hills and it makes the place uninhabitable. The hospital reappears in A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child and Freddy vs. Jason, but I still have no interest in staying there. I mean, Amanda Krueger was locked in over the Christmas holidays and looked what happened to her. One hundred maniacs is one hundred
