Hackers steelde digitale comics van Marvel

RDJ134 17 februari 2012 om 20:27 uur

Net als met games en software is er een grote illegale scene waar je comics voor de winkel kan downloaden in het overbekende .cbr formaat. Nu heeft de website 4thletter.net hier een mooi en informatief artikel over geschreven, en kwamen tot de ontdekking dat er een verschil was tussen de comics uit de warez scene en de papieren versie. Zo ontbraken er enkele kenmerken, waardoor 4thletter.net er achter kwam dat deze rechtstreeks bij Marvel vandaan moesten komen. Toen ze verder speurde kwamen ze er achter dat de server waar Marvel zijn comics voor dat ze geprint worden zo lek als een mandje was, en namen contact op waarna Marvel het lek heeft gedicht.

Who it is:
Marvel?: That means that either the scanners have access to Marvel's pre-press files, which is amazing, or someone who works closely with Marvel, whether on the production side or at the printer, is slipping a scanner PDFs. There's no way that the lettering could be transposed by a third party, and the font issue suggests that it's someone fairly high up on the supply chain.

One last smoking gun. The Ultimate X-Men 7 digital scan includes a page advertising the digital edition of the comic. There's a big blank space where the redemption code should go. I don't have a digital comic version of this to check, but I'm willing to bet cash money that no digital comic version of this issue would include an access code for the digital comic

More proof: the indicia in the digital scans include the print indicia, included the date the comic was manufactured. In the case of Ultimate X-Men 7, it was between 01/20/2012 and 01/31/2012 by Quad/Graphics Jonesboro, in Jonesboro, AK. Every printed comic has this info in it. The digital ones have a seriously abridged version of the print indicia, and no info on the printer.

Messed up fonts, print indicia, missing digital comics redemption codes, the fact that Avengers 22 is available as a digital scan despite not being available on ComiXology (or on Marvel's stupidly exclusive app), the standard DPI, the rigid resolution, the perfect scans... it's obvious what this is. Someone's got Marvel's print-ready files before they're finalized, and they're slapping them up online as digital scans. Clever girl.

Marvel: your ship is leaking, whether it's internal, an FTP hack, or on the way to the printer.

Edit: Thanks to Uzumeri's dogged determination, we figured out what the hack is this morning. It isn't a person, it's a security leak, and we emailed Marvel about it.

one more edit: Marvel closed the hole we found, though I don't think it'll lessen how often or easily Marvel's books can be pirated, except in a few very specific instances. This was one hole that was very easy to exploit. There are others that are completely unavoidable.
