De zes beste games met de Aliens uit Alien

RDJ134 21 februari 2012 om 16:20 uur

De Alien franchise is een klassier voor film en science fiction fans, dus konden de comics en de video games natuurlijk niet uitblijven. Tussen de games zaten een aantal hele slechte en hele goede titels, dus was het voor de website Topless Robot tijd om deze lijst met de zes beste games te te maken, mijn favoriet was de originele Aliens vs Predator waarbij ik bijna elke meter dat ik liep in me broek scheet van angst.

2) Aliens Vs. Predator

After being starved for decent Alien experiences via videogames and left somewhat confused by Alien: Resurrection in the cinema, we were keen for something special. PC game developer Rebellion Developments answered the call. 1999's Aliens Vs. Predator let you take the role of the titular characters, as well as that of Space Marine, and was a godsend for the members of the community that didn't have an Atari Jaguar (so everyone) and were especially keen on inhabiting the Xenomorph's role (again, everyone), dominating Marines with speed, stealth, and lethality to burn... in single player. In multiplayer, the skittishness of the 'morph's made accuracy difficult, and death was pretty much guaranteed for a lot of your playtime. Still, 'morph kills were a sweet, sweet reward, if you could get a handle on your beast and surgically eviscerated your enemies.

It was also the true successor of Alien Trilogy when it came to the claustrophobia and constant terror of playing as a Space Marine; the whistle of the motion tracker as you realize you are no longer alone, the pitch of the tracker's tell-tale whine rising as you spin in circles trying to find the danger... the roof? Under the floor? No... the walls! They're coming out of the goddamn walls! You fire wildly, trying to buy yourself some time, some room to work, but they're everywhere, and your clip has run dry... the last thing you see is the inner jaw coming at your face, and the only thing left is to wonder if you'll be food, or an incubator. A truly immersive experience.
