The Walkin Dead Season 2 box en seizoen 3 praat *SPOILERS*

RDJ134 2 maart 2012 om 17:11 uur

Hoewel seizoen 2 van The Walking Dead nog steeds drie episodes heeft te gaan is de productie van de Blu-Ray box al in volle gang. AMC adverteert al op hun website met de box en daar staat een behoorlijke SPOILER op, want bij de features staat: Shane's last episode. Of te wel dit karakter zal net als in de comics het loodje leggen, of toch niet??

Daarnaast had Robert Kirkman (de bedenker van de franchise) dit interview met MTV, waar hij een boekje open doet over het karakter The Governor die door de Britse acteur David Morrissey gespeeld word.

"More than any other actor, David Morrissey came in and wanted to embrace everything that there is to the Governor. He knew this is a complicated character, and he knew this was a character that people are going to hate to love," Kirkman said. "He recognized that this character is a villain. A lot of people came in and were like, 'But he's a good guy inside, right?' They want that nuance, and that's definitely important. We definitely have that. The Governor isn't a one-note character; there are a lot of layers to that onion. But this is a sadistic guy. David Morrissey, more than any other actor, really wanted to sink his teeth into that role. He wants to embrace everything there is about the Governor."

In this ad for The Walking Dead season 2 limited edition Blu-ray set, a description for the collection reads: "This special limited edition Blu-Ray includes all 13 episodes on 4 discs, including bonus features such as: the making of the barn, an extended zombie gut scene, Shane's last episode, full Comic Con coverage with panel, comic book vs episode comparison, and more!"
