Vroegah waren Nintendo games moeilijker

RDJ134 13 maart 2012 om 22:19 uur

Ik ben een dino als het op gamen aan komt, en ik kan dan ook zeggen dat de oude games vroegah moeilijker waren. Maar dit is nu ook door de wetenschap bevestigd, want Belgische onderzoekers hebben nu hun studie die zich spits op Nintendo games afgerond. Conclusie Pokemon en Zelda zijn tering moeilijk. Zo en nu maar verder met klagen over het feit dat je een single player mode in vijf uur uitloopt, vroegah.....


The no-reverse gadget serves a similar function as the one-way gadget, except after traversing from a to b, the player cannot traverse it from b to a. This is implemented by the gadget in Figure 21. Clearly, the player cannot enter via b, because that lures the weak Trainer to block the passage. Suppose the player enters through a. They can safely walk to b, because the weak Trainer is blocking the bottom strong Trainer's line of sight. However, to reach b, the player must lure the weak Trainer out of the line of sight of the strong Trainer, hence the player may never return in
the reverse direction.


Generalized Legend of Zelda is NP-hard by reduction from a puzzle similar to Push-1, because Legend of Zelda contains blocks which may be pushed according to the same rules as in Push-1 [2], except that in Zelda, each block may be pushed at most once. Fortunately, all of the gadgets in the reduction for Push-1 found in [2] still function as intended when each block can be pushed at most once, with the possible exception of the Lock gadget. However, a simple modication to the Lock gadget (illustrated in Figure 11) suces. (Here we assume that Link has no items, in particular, no raft.)
