PlayStation Hacker Geohot opgepakt voor drugs bezig

RDJ134 15 maart 2012 om 19:28 uur

Iets meer dan een jaar geleden kon je hier op de beroemde PlayStation 3 en iPhone hacker Geohot even een dikke rap zien spitten. Uiteraard blowen rappers als een malle en ook onze hackende vriend, alleen is hij nu tijdens grens controle in Austin opgepakt met de sticky icky, the Chronic, Budda, Mary Jane of hoe je het noemen wilt. Ironisch genoeg is Snoop Dogg voor het zelfde vergrijp een tijd geleden op dezelfde plek aangehouden. Nu is het wachten op de eerste schietpartij van Geohot om zijn street credits te ondersteunen.

Last week, the hacker who became famous as the first person to "jailbreak" an iPhone was booked and charged with felony marijuana possession, police in Sierra Blanca, Texas, told Above the Law. George Hotz was heading to the annual SXSW conference in Austin when he was arrested.

Hotz was on his way to give a talk at SXSW, when he had to pass through a border patrol checkpoint in Sierra Blanca. According to a source familiar with the case, Department of Homeland Security officers brought drug dogs to each car. When the dogs barked, Hotz (and his passengers) were pulled over for more searching.

Hotz has a medical marijuana license in California, where he lives, our source says. In the car's glove box, Hotz apparently had 1/4 oz. of marijuana and chocolate edibles equivalent to less than 1/8 oz. of the drug.

The border agents allegedly said they would turn Hotz over to the local sheriff and he would get a citation. Not a big deal, right? But our source explains the local sheriff took the whole weight of the chocolate as the proper measure (as if the candy were made entirely of pot). Law enforcement then valued the "special" chocolate truffles at $800, instead of the $15 our source says Hotz paid for it.
