8 Comic tekenaars die zelf een rolletje in een comic hadden

RDJ134 21 maart 2012 om 17:01 uur

Het is in de comic niet zo heel erg vreemd dat zo nu en dan een bedenker of tekenaar van een comic op een dag een klein rolletje in zijn werk speelt. Dus was het voor de website Topless Robot tijd om deze top acht te maken. Uiteraard daar ook de volgende legende op:

8) Stan Lee in What If? #19

As I said up top, Stan Lee has been in more comics than you can count, many examples of which Bully the Little Stuffed Bull has documented on his amazing blog. For instance, he showed up at Reed Richards and Sue Storm's wedding with artist Jack Kirby. But probably the most fun example of Lee appearing in a comic -- not written by Lee himself in this case, but writer Peter Gillis -- is in the "What If?" series. In issue 19, Spider-Man stops the robber who killed Uncle Ben and never becomes a superhero. Instead, he becomes a super-rich celebrity who decides to buy Marvel Comics (because who wouldn't). He then demands that Lee (who wasn't editor at the time, but whatever) put out two monthly Spidey titles every month. How Marvel managed to produce Spider-Man books when Spidey wasn't a superhero, I have no idea. Also, the idea of two monthly Spider-Man books seems adorably quaint today, don' t it?
