SFXT sound en gem patch op 10 april

RDJ134 4 april 2012 om 03:46 uur

Vorige maand kon je hier op Eigenwereld.nl mijn review van Street Fighter X Tekken lezen, alleen had de game last van een paar bugs. Maar daar komt vanaf 10 april verandering in, want op die dag dropt Capcom een patch die een hoop moet oplossen. Ook komt er nog de nodige DLC... Unlockable content (die al op je disc staat) uit, en daar over kan je meer horen en zien in de onderstaande video:

SFxT players, be sure to sign on today because those previously promised Swap Costumes are out today for a buck a piece, or you can pick up the full Street Fighter and/or Tekken sets for $13.00 each. Also out today are three free color packs each containing four new additions to the palette for added customization options. Finally, today you can pick up three new quick combos, making for a total of five pre-programmed attack patterns. But you gotta have meter!

Additionally, the following update will occur on April 10th:

-Online sound update, which will improve the quality of sound when playing online matches.
-Tournament support update, which will expedite the gem selection process with the help of a new number wheel system.
