Vijf film apocalypses die zich zelf zouden oplossen

RDJ134 2 mei 2012 om 01:33 uur

Wij nerds en geeks zijn zeer serieus als het aan komt op de Apocalypse in wat voor vorm dan ook, maar zoals altijd is er een wereld van verschil in realiteit en film fictie. Daarom heeft de website deze lijst met gemaakt met vijf Apocalypsen uit films, ironisch genoeg ontbreek die van de zombies er op. Want laten we eerlijk als je lang genoeg stand kan houden, vallen ze letterlijk van verrotting uit elkaar. Dat brengt me op een ander punt, waarom bitch niemand ooit over de stank in zombie films??

#4. The Demographics in The Matrix Can't Possibly Match the Real World

In the Matrix universe, everyone in the world thinks that they're living perfectly normal lives within a normal (if slightly green-tinted) modern world, when in actuality they're living in a computer simulation and their unconscious bodies are really lying in tubs of pink goop. And, most importantly, they're living in a year that is decades later than anyone realizes.

So, What's the Problem?

There are two important things to know here. First, it's established that everyone in the Matrix looks pretty much the same way they do in the real world, sans body hair and a tan (they go out of their way to point this out, calling it their "residual self-image"). If you're a man in the Matrix, you're a man in the real-world pod. Black people are black, white people are white and Asian people are Asian. And Neo looks like the offspring of his parents, which means that when a baby is born in the Matrix, the genes were taken from parents in the real world.

Now, we know what you're thinking: "That means that every time a man has sex in the Matrix, inside his real-world pod a robot hand comes out and jerks him off and collects the semen. No wonder they hate us!" This is no So, What's the Problem?

There are two important things to know here. First, it's established that everyone in the Matrix looks pretty much the same way they do in the real world, sans body hair and a tan (they go out of their way to point this out, calling it their "residual self-image"). If you're a man in the Matrix, you're a man in the real-world pod. Black people are black, white people are white and Asian people are Asian. And Neo looks like the offspring of his parents, which means that when a baby is born in the Matrix, the genes were taken from parents in the real world.

Now, we know what you're thinking: "That means that every time a man has sex in the Matrix, inside his real-world pod a robot hand comes out and jerks him off and collects the semen. No wonder they hate us!" This is no doubt true, but it's not the point we're making.doubt true, but it's not the point we're making.

The problem is that the demographics of the Matrix can't match up with the real world.

Remember, we know that the Matrix simulation has been running for at least 50 years (in Reloaded, we meet an old man in the real world who said he was freed from the Matrix when he was 11). That means that when it started, the simulation was pretending it was the year 1950, when the real world was around the year 2150. But the demographics and population of 1950 were hugely different from what they are even now (with Africa's population increasing at a much faster rate than, say, Europe's or Japan's), let alone what they'd look like 200 years into the future.

In fact, the numbers of European and Japanese children in the world are actually shrinking over time. Europe's population of children aged 0 to 14 has shrunk from 143 million in 1950 to 127 million in 2000, and Japan's has gone from 30 million in 1950 to about 18.5 million in 2000. In other words, the machines would be short millions of children and would be forced to take tens of millions of children from Africa and reassign them to be children in Europe and Japan and try to convince the population that they are their naturally born kin.

Considering that the Matrix simulation is so fragile that the vaguest idea that something is wrong with the world can break people out of the spell, this is going to be more than just a minor problem for the machines. At the very least, a lot of white women are going to have a lot of explaining to do.
