Zes redenen waarom Iron Man cooler is dan Batman

RDJ134 4 mei 2012 om 17:53 uur

Iron Man en BatmanG hebben meer met elkaar gemeen dat je denkt, want beiden zijn superhelden *DUH* rijk en verdomd slim. Maar wie van de twee is nu eigenlijk de beste?? Iron Man uiteraard, en waarom dit zo is kan je lezen in dit artikel van de website Cracked.com.

#6. Iron Man Has a Better Plan

Bruce Wayne traveled the world for years and trained himself to the peak of physical perfection. Tony Stark had one weekend and an actual heart attack and still had time to think "I'd better not get shot in the face!" I know that mentioning headshots around Batman is the comics equivalent of farting in an elevator, but his standard defense against machine guns is back flips. Iron Man doesn't have to worry about hiding. When Batman vanishes into the night, panicked thugs have been known to spray automatic fire into the air because they can't find him. While "Haha, you can't see me" might be satisfying, Batman's primary defense mechanism is at best a pain in the ass and at worst capable of killing hundreds of Gotham slum dwellers in any direction.

Stark understands that a billionaire training himself to the peak of physical perfection is like a billionaire learning to grow his own organic tomatoes. The whole point of money and technology is not having to do stuff with your bare hands. And for every "Batman could design something to disable the armor," I'd raise you an "Iron Man's actual job is designing things and he knows more about the armor." Sure, if they were stripped naked and locked in a room, Bruce would utterly dominate Tony, but if that's what you want to see, there are websites you can go to.
