Tien film wetenschapers die echt zouden moeten bestaan

RDJ134 12 mei 2012 om 19:04 uur

In veel films en TV series zien we briljante wetenschappers die een beetje gestoord zijn, maar onder tussen wel briljant en geniaal zijn. De website i09 heeft nu deze top tien gemaakt, uiteraard staat Doc. Brown uit de Back to the Future trilogie er op. Mijn persoonlijke keuze gaat overigens uit naar:

3. The Ghostbusters from Ghostbusters

It's so hard to find good paranormal investigators these days. Some might say, even, that it's completely impossible to find good paranormal investigators, ever. That's why we need the PhDs of the Ghostbusters so much. If there is a need for paranormal investigators in this world, they will fill it. If there isn't a need for paranormal investigators, they will create an entirely new branch of science. Sure, they'll be frustrated that their branch of science doesn't go anywhere, but that's their problem, not ours. Should ghosts suddenly pop up, we'll have people qualified to deal with them. No matter what, we'll have a copy of Bill Murray. There's always room for a spare Murray.
