NBC trekt de stekker uit Awake

RDJ134 21 mei 2012 om 21:42 uur

Het ziet er naar uit dat veel TV shows tegenwoordig geen tweede seizoen meer halen, want ook Awake is nu gecancelled vanwege de slechte cijfers. Dit is behoorlijk klote, aangezien deze serie behoorlijk uniek is en zichzelf per aflevering wist te overtreffen. Maar helaas, over drie dagen kan je de grand finale downloaden. Persoonlijk had ik liever The Walking shithoop van de buis zien gaan.

Theoretically the second episode should have shown signs of growth but it didn't. Week two dropped 20%. Week three remained stable but subsequent weeks saw additional declines. Last week's episode hit a new low with a dismal 0.7 rating and just 2.15 million viewers.

This season has averaged a 1.1 rating in the demographic with 3.5 million total viewers. Awake is the third-lowest rated drama on the network, beating only Harry's Law and The Firm (both of which have been cancelled as well). On our NBC Ratings Report Card, which measures the relative demo performance of shows on the network, Awake has a "D+" grade.

NBC has now cancelled Awake and the series finale is on track to air Thursday, May 24th. While it wasn't intended as a series finale, Killen has said that he believes the finale is very satisfying.
