Twaalf videogames die gebant werden voor niks

RDJ134 23 mei 2012 om 18:57 uur

Video games die verboden worden is een fenomeen die al sinds het begin van deze entertainment industrie een realiteit is. Of het nu gaat om het feit dat er een tiet is te zien, of dat er seks in de game zit. Ooit in de jaren negentig werden hier vragen in de tweede kamer gesteld om Carmageddon en Mortal Kombat te verbieden. Uiteraard staat de laatst genoemde op deze lijst die de website Topless Robot voor ons gemaakt heeft.

11) Mortal Kombat

Before we all got desensitized to games that allowed us to curb stomp suckers and torch abortion clinics with tampon bombs, the depiction of violence and murder in Midway's was a huge, huge deal. In '92, there was no ratings system for games, and actually, this was the game that caused Congress hearings that ultimately yielded the Entertainment Software Rating Board. Even though Ed Boon later said he thought Mortal Kombat's outraged critics had a point -- "I wouldn't want my 10-year-old playing a game like that" -- still, it was a big nothing. Violence in games was nothing new; pretty much every other arcade game was about shooting as many people in the face as you could. What people should've been offended by was the excessive use of palette swapping to make "new" characters.
