Nieuwe DLC voor Street Fighter X Tekken

RDJ134 26 mei 2012 om 16:38 uur

Capcom heeft vandaag bekend gemaakt dat er op 5 juni aanstaande nieuwe DLC voor Street Fighter X Tekken zal verschijnen, en daar zit zelfs een costume pack bij die je 18 Euro kost. De kans is zeer groot aanwezig dat deze al gewoon op het schijfje van je game staat. Serieus, wie is er bereid om zoveel geld voor een paar pakjes op te hoesten??

Early this morning, Capcom revealed details for the next downloadable content update for their crossover fighter Street Fighter X Tekken. Note that this is only a DLC update and not the upcoming patch fix for Ver. 1.04, which is planned for mid-June. The following DLC will be available worldwide on June 5:

Additional Color Palette 4 - Free
Wild Card Booster Pack 3* - Free
SF Boost Gem Pack 5 - 0.99 USD/80 MSP
SF Boost Gem Pack 6 - 0.99 USD/80 MSP
TK Boost Gem Pack 5 - 0.99 USD/80 MSP
TK Boost Gem Pack 6 - 0.99 USD/80 MSP
World Warrior Gem Pack 2** - 0.99 USD/80 MSP
Iron Curtain Gem Pack 2** - 0.99 USD/80 MSP
Lighting Legs Gem Pack 2** - 0.99 USD/80 MSP
Cross Arts Pack Gem Pack 2** - 0.99 USD/80 MSP
King of Iron Fist Gem Pack 2** - 0.99 USD/80 MSP
SF/TK Swap Costume Complete Pack - 17.99 USD/1440 MSP

*Wild Card Booster 3 will only be available June 5-19.
**Cannot be purchased through the in-game store, must be purchased through the PlayStation Store or Xbox Live Marketplace.

SFXTK producer Tomoaki Ayano also announced that he will be attending E3 in the US which starts June 4 (formally dated for June 5-7). He mentioned that the SFXTK team is busy making preparations for the Capcom booth at E3, but he's keeping what they have planned under wraps. He does say to expect some exciting information to revealed.
