Zeven van de meest gemene video game hoaxes

RDJ134 30 mei 2012 om 19:08 uur

Een klein jaar geleden kon je hier op Eigenwereld.nl al lezen over urban legends in video games, want soms zitten of lijken er rare dingen in je games te zitten. De website Dorkly heeft er nu een paar hele gemene uit gevist die achter af nep bleken te zijn, maar wel veel gamers hier mee bezig lieten. Het ergste is dat ik ook geloofde in de nummer drie, die je hier onder kan lezen:

3. Sheng Long in Street Fighter

Before the internet, the only widespread way of getting solid videogame information was magazines. When rumors were flying that there was a secret character in Street Fighter 2 (due to a translation mistake for the US release), EGM came forward to confirm the existence and detail how to get the character of Sheng Long to appear, in their April 1992 issue (part of their notorious series of April Fools jokes). However, for young, impressionable, naive gamers everywhere, the April Fools part of the reveal was completely lost on them. Many went through the arduous process detailed by EGM to get to the character - involving playing the whole game as Ryu without taking any damage, then fighting M. Bison without giving or receiving any damage, only to get...nothing. EGM didn't even reveal the joke until December of that year, giving some players 8 months of misery and confusion.

They did it again in 1997, for the release of Street Fighter III. This time, people were more skeptical, but the bottomless fountain of hope amongst Street Fighter fans to finally encounter Sheng Long overcame the skepticism for many, only to be burned again.

The final, cruel straw came when Capcom itself hinted that Sheng Long would be playable in Street Fighter IV. These are sad times when a new character is a joke, and DLC costume colors are a reality.
