De tien beste Snorren uit Comics en Anime

RDJ134 5 juni 2012 om 23:39 uur

Snorren zijn eigenlijk voor opa's, Agenten en Italiaanse loodgieters. Maar de website Topless Robot is zo vriendelijk geweest om deze top tien te maken met de meest bad ass snorren uit comics en Anime films. Dus als je liefhebber van snorren bent zeker het checken waard.

2) J. Jonah Jameson, Spider-Man

There are only two people on earth that can sport a small, toothbrush mustache and not have people immediately think they love Hitler: Charlie Chaplin is one, and J. Jonah Jameson is the other. The tough-as-nails editor-in-chief of The Daily Bugle has singlehandedly reclaimed the toothbrush 'stache from the German dictator, although he's still the only one with the balls to wear it, unironically and unapologetically. Hell, he even recently got made mayor of New York City in the Spidey comics. Do you think anyone who ever sported the Hitler, even if only for a day, could be elected to reasonably high office in real life? No way.
