SEGA trekt de stekkers uit de Phantasy Star Universe servers

RDJ134 11 juni 2012 om 17:38 uur

SEGA heeft het afgelopen weekeinde bekend gemaakt dat ze op 7 september aanstaande de stekkers uit de Phantasy Star Universe servers trekken. Daar mee komt er een einde aan zes jaar lange service. Maar zoals je hier onder kan zien komt er iets nieuws voor in de plaats.

Important Notice for all PSU XB360 Players:

We regret to inform you that servers for Phantasy Star Universe on XB360 will be closing as of this September 7th, 2012.

This was not an easy decision but there comes a time when we must consider the level of service and support we can provide for an ongoing game, and balance those concerns against preparing for the future, and providing you with new opportunities and new experiences.

Following service closure, the single player version of the game will still be available, but network mode will be inaccessible. Players who still have a GUARDIANS license active following the close date will have their subscription refunded by Microsoft on a pro-rated basis.

Regarding this decision:

The time has come where we must move forward. We wish to thank every single one of you for your part in this journey.

It has been a long run for our intrepid GUARDIANS: Across the Gurhal system for six years now, exploring new worlds and new challenges. While we are saddened to close the doors to PSU on Xbox 360, we are proud of the game and of our loyal fans who have supported us through the years.

More than anything we want to thank all of you once again, from the bottom of our hearts, for supporting this game, for providing feedback, and for enjoying and sharing in this experience with us.

We look forward to taking our memories and the lessons learned from this game as we prepare to move into the future. There is more news yet to come for Phantasy Star, and there will be much to be excited about in the coming weeks and months. For now, please feel free to share your memories of this game and know we look forward to sharing more adventures with you in the future!
