Teaser trailer van Wolfram

RDJ134 19 juni 2012 om 16:53 uur

Wolfenstein is de moeder van alle First Person Shooters, en al vele malen geport naar oa de Xbox 360 en andere systemen. Maar een groepje getalenteerde modders hebben de game nu voorzien van een hele make over, met nieuwe belichting en physics. Dat het geheel er goed uit ziet, kan je bekijken in de onderstaande trailer.

It is designed mainly for those fans who wants to play old good game, but who is tired of pixelated sprite graphics. Well, many people could say that it is nonsense, retro games are distinctive and original and do not need any graphic enchancements. This is the point, but we, the authors, think in a different way. We hope that the remake will find it's niche and some of you guys will like it.

These levels have been accurately ported keeping layout of items, enemies and geometry almost intact. It would be nice to port all the game, but we will never manage such amount of work.

Despite our careful testing of Wolfram before the release, some players reported a certain amount of problems. The most critical was a crash on some systems. We have fixed all the errors found, and added an automated crash report system in case there will be found more problems. Besides we tried to take into consideration complaints about the balance.

So, what's new in Wolfram version 1.1?


- Added CrashRpt system for automated crash report generation and submission.
- Added "Level statistics" item to the Controls menu.
- Flashlight range increased.
- MP-40 bullet damage increased.
- Luger reload time decreased.
- MG-42 accuracy increased a bit in an IronSight mode for a crouched player.


- Fixed bug with software sound which led to a crash.
- Fixed bug with "Bloodlust" achievement, when it was enough to kill 3 enemies instead of 50.
- Fixed a minor problem in a loopback network code.
- Ragdoll intertia decreased.
