De 14 slechtste tieten uit video games

RDJ134 23 juni 2012 om 15:32 uur

Tieten en video games gaan al sinds velen jaren hand in hand samen, uiteraard is Tomb Raider hier door een groot succes geworden en Lara Croft een icoon geworden. Maar tegen elk goede voorgevel staan er tien slechte, en daarom heeft de website nu deze lijst gemaakt. Nu is het afwachten wanneer de lijst met beste tieten ooit komt, want Mortal Kombat mag daar natuurlijk niet op ontbreken.

#1+2. Ivy (Soul Calibur)

Ivy's existence proves that the Soul Calibur team either doesn't understand irony or is its eternal master. She charges into sword fights despite being 50 percent airbag. Her chest technically makes Soul Calibur steampunk, because they love zeppelins and other fictional things that would never work in the real world. She wore less clothing with every game up until Soul Calibur IV, which is impressive, because a strip club would have told her first incarnation to leave something to the imagination. Her whip used more material than her fourth costume.

She finally added clothes in Soul Calibur V. But only because taking more off would have required a scalpel and a medical fetish, and because they'd already used every square foot of her flesh in the game's advertisements.

They targeted mammaries for profit more explicitly than the dairy industry, and without the health benefits. In their attitude toward women, the fighting game community now ranks somewhere between the Dark Ages and the Dark Ages during a Viking attack. Which is weird, because now that we can simulate physical combat, traveling the world and entire virtual playgrounds, it seems weird that "treat other people like expendable playthings made only for our amusement" is the one thing assholes want to keep doing for real.
