108 antwoorden op vragen uit Lost die geen antwoord zouden hebben

RDJ134 23 juni 2012 om 15:56 uur

Lost is waarschijnlijk de meest coole fantasy, science fiction serie die ooit op de TV is geweest. Het had mysterie, een hoog WTF?? gehalte en bracht na elke aflevering een ongekende grote discussie los op het Internet. Maar als je de serie hebt gezien weet je ook dat er een hele hoop vragen on beantwoord zijn gebleven. Nu heeft de website Cracekd.com 108 antwoorden op onbeantwoorde vragen voor je klaar staan. Vragen zoals:

QUESTION 3: OK, but what's the deal with Walt?

ANSWER 3: Also, what's the deal with airplane food?

This is a type of question asked frequently. "What's the deal with [any number of things]?" or "What's up with [any number of things]?" These aren't really questions, because they don't actually know what they're asking. The deal with airplane food is that it's food of varying quality that can be sold or given free on airplanes. What's up with the numbers is that they were the six remaining numbered Candidates to replace Jacob as Protector of the Island.

So, OK. Walt. What's the deal with him? Let's go with the longer answer again ...

Walt was always "special." He had premonitions, he attracted birds like a freaky magic bird kid and he had a clear connection to the Island. Walt was eventually kidnapped by the Others and studied by them, because he was a very special child. Unfortunately, Walt's father was a bit of a humongous wang who ended up murdering two people and ripping Walt away from the Island; away from his destiny. He stayed off the Island and lost his father. That's what we saw, so that's the deal with him, right? It's a sad answer, but some answers are sad. "What's the deal with John Locke?" He thought he was special until he attempted to kill himself. Ben convinced him not to, and then he murdered John. Sad already, and then Locke spent the entire end of the series looking like the villain. Pretty sad story, as was Walt's, but that's what happened.

Although, for even more on Walt, we can thankfully watch this extra epilogue from the Season 6 DVD.

In the epilogue, Ben Linus convinces Walt to escape Santa Rosa Mental Hospital in order to return to the Island. Ben told him he needed to help his father, Michael. We can easily presume from this that Hurley would eventually finish cleaning up the mess Jacob and Brother made, and he would step down for Walt to take over. That's what happens to Walt eventually, in another story we don't need to see. Chances are, he eventually became Island Protector and lived for hundreds of years, which is why he wasn't in the Church at the end. As Jack's father says, the people in the Church were there because the time they spent together was "The most important time of their life." Walt had other people to move on with, from HIS most important time. A time of peace and safety on the Island, with King Walt and Aaron and Ji Yeon, and probably Vincent still. We can only assume that Walt just Richard Alperted the situation and made Vincent immortal with his Magic Water and Light powers.
