Top tien van WTF film sterfscènes *SPOILERS*

RDJ134 18 mei 2010 om 14:38 uur

Er zijn een hele hoop films waarin één karakter op een verrassende manier komt te overlijden en je bijna hardop schreeuwt "WHAT THE FUCK?". La Haine (1995) is wat dat betreft één van me favorieten, maar deze staat helaas niet op deze lijst. Dus de keuze is gegaan naar de nummer drie:

3. Deep Blue Sea (1999) - Russell Franklin

Deep Blue Sea is a craptastic flick featuring scientists who genetically mutate sharks in an attempt to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease. Yes, the script is that bad. It doesn't take a big stretch of the imagination to guess that genetically mutating sharks cannot go well... and it doesn't. The sharks begin exhibiting all kinds of funky traits, which include being super-smart and swimming backwards. Enter Russell Franklin, played by Samuel L. Jackson. While giving the scientists a "pep talk," a shark literally jumps out of the pool and drags him under, ripping him in half. An incredibly unpoetic death for an actor who should have never taken the part in the first place.
