James Holmes wil weten hoe The Dark Knight Rises afloopt

RDJ134 25 juli 2012 om 20:17 uur

James Holmes die vorige week twaalf mensen dood schoot en zeventig verwonde tijdens de nachtelijke première van The Dark Knight Rises, wilt nu weten hoe de film afloopt. Dit heeft hij gevraagd aan een medewerker in de gevangenis, die hem negeerde waarna hij met een monotone stem de vraag nogmaals herhaalde.

James Holmes, accused of killing a dozen people at a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises," wants to know how the film ended.

"Did you see the movie?" a creepy-sounding Holmes asked a stunned jail worker during a bizarre exchange Tuesday. "How does it end?"

Holmes, his eyes glazed and his voice flat, repeated the question when the worker ignored him, according to another jail employee who witnessed the incident in the infirmary.

Holmes, a 24-year-old ex-honor student, "was trying to look like he was sincerely curious," the witness recounted to the Daily News.

"Like he had no idea why there was anything wrong with what he was saying. It was sick ... I think he's trying real hard to act crazy."
