Top tien van de beste niet commerciële nerdy webseries

RDJ134 26 juli 2012 om 16:13 uur

Webseries zijn er genoeg, en ook de professionale film makers hebben dit door en verdienen zo een leuke stuiver bij. Daarom heeft de website Topless Robot deze lijst gemaakt met de beste niet commerciële nerdy webseries die je zeker even moet checken. Mijn favoriet is:

7) The Silent City

Speaking of beautifully shot series', The Silent City is a gorgeous look at post-apocalyptic isolation that is filmed in and around some of New York City's abandoned wonders. (Fans of Forgotten New York, take note). Set a decade after humanity was wiped out by a as of-yet unexplained calamity, the series focuses on a nomadic man as he wanders around the Big Apple in an effort to stay alive. There have only been two episodes of the series so far, each building palpable dread in a manner which The Walking Dead has yet to achieve. Because of the lack of characters the episodes are largely dialogue-free, leaving lead actor Eric Stafford to rely on body movement and facial expressions to convey his feelings. It's the sort of compelling performance that can turn an unknown into a cult sensation. Rumor has it that zombies will eventually make their way into the show, a prospect that I feel ambivalent about given how ubiquitous the undead are elsewhere in popular culture. Up to this point the series has been a tone poem about desolation and despair. Maybe I shouldn't panic yet. Something tells me that once brain-eaters are thrown into the mix the plot developments will be handled with the same elegance that is quickly becoming The Silent City's hallmark.
