Vijf Awsome Video Game documentaires

RDJ134 9 augustus 2012 om 18:18 uur

Zoals met elke sub cultuur zijn er film makers die een bepaald fenomeen willen uitlichten met een documentaire. Want waarom spenderen gamers zoveel geld aan video games?? Sterker hoe ken het dat er mensen zijn die hier van kunnen leven. Daarom heeft de website Unreality nu dit artikel geschreven met vijf Video Game documentaires die je gezien moet hebben.

Chasing Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade

Chasing Ghosts is more of an overview on the golden age of arcade gaming, so should be your go-to nostalgia pick. That is, if you're old enough to have nostalgia about the golden age of arcade gaming. My god, I'm really showing my age here, aren't I? This one focuses much more on Walter Day, the aforementioned "referee" of high scores and owner of the Twin Galaxies arcade. My husband's grandfather was a toy inventor (humble brag alert: he was kind of a big deal-he invented Hungry Hungry Hippos and Barrel of Monkeys, among other awesome toys), and the hubs remembers his grandpa taking him to see Twin Galaxies as a toy industry museum of sorts.

Naturally I'm jealous. My better half is very much not a gamer, though he always dutifully reads my articles and then gives me the double guns of support. But I digress. Chasing Ghosts is a kinder, sweeter documentary covering much of the same ground as King of Kong, but it doesn't focus on the competitive nature of gaming and instead skews towards a "good old days" viewing of the arcade experience.
