The Dark Knight Rises haalt wereldwijd $800 miljoen Dollar op

RDJ134 13 augustus 2012 om 17:22 uur

Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises is bezig met een wereldwijde zege tocht, want vandaag is bekend geworden dat de film in drie weken tijd maar liefst $835 miljoen Dollar heeft opgehaald. Dus ik kan met Robin zijn woorden spreken: HOLY SHIT BATMAN!!

With another $19.5 million domestically and $34.2 million overseas this weekend, Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises has surpassed the $800 million mark worldwide after three weeks of release.

Having earned $835.4 million so far, Nolan's third and final Batman movie has climbed to the 30th spot on the all-time worldwide blockbuster list. The film, made for $250 million, has earned $390.1 million domestically and $445.3 million internationally.

In 2008, The Dark Knight earned a total of $1.001 billion of which $533.3 million came from North America and $468.6 million from the overseas box office.
