Deleted scene van The Walking Dead seizoen 2

RDJ134 21 augustus 2012 om 18:05 uur

Nu het slaap verwekkende tweede seizoen van The Walking Dead op DVD en Blu-Ray komt, duiken er opeens diverse deleted scenes op. De onderstaande laat ons zien dat de groep van Rick zich meer druk kan maken om andere survivors, dan alleen de zombies.

After the explosion at the CDC at the end of the first arc, the second season was slated to begin with the group seeking shelter at the Vatos stronghold. In the first scene they find the place in ruins, overrun with walkers, and go on a bit of as shooting spree. In this new clip, they go inside, only to find that their original interpretation of events was wrong. What they find is that all of the people were shot in the head before the zombies showed up and had a feast. They were murdered.
