Top tien hoaxes, geruchten en scams uit en rondom films

RDJ134 24 mei 2010 om 16:24 uur

Zonder dat je het soms zelf doorhebt nemen de makers (of geruchten) van films je goed bij de neus. Zo zijn veel mensen nog altijd van mening dat Faces of Death 100% echt is, terwijl de meeste beelden gewoon fake zijn met ingehuurde acteurs. Ook verhalen dat Blair Witch en The Amytiville Horror echt zijn, kan naar het rijk der fabelen worden doorverwezen. De website heeft een top tien gemaakt over dit soort hoaxes die bij de echte filmliefhebbers uiteraard al jaren bekend zijn.

The Amytiville Horror

What's the story? In 1974 the address of 112 Ocean Avenue, Amityville, New York was the scene of a horrendous crime. A man by the name of Ronald Defeo Jr went bat shit crazy and killed his parents and four siblings. Thirteen months later the Lutz family bought the house and lived it only for 28 days. Reason for the brief stay? Due to the killings the house was haunted and during those 28 days the Lutz family witnessed supernatural events like demonic figures in the house, walls oozing slime and strange voices.

And the truth shall set you free: While the Defeo murders are true, the events the Lutz family went through during those 28 days aren't. Many families have lived in the house located in 112 Ocean Avenue after the Lutz family moved out and not one single family has seen or heard anything supernatural. The truth is that Papa & Mama Lutz were fame whores who spun this tale of deception and used writer Jay Anson to turn the tale into a book so they could get paid. The book was sold under the impression that everything was true and out of that book they got TV appearances and more importantly a movie franchise.
