Zes games waar in de makers zich zelf hebben gestopt

RDJ134 6 september 2012 om 02:35 uur

Zo nu en dan schijnt er tijdens het maken van een video game de verveling toe te slaan, en doen de makers rare dingen. Zoals... easter eggs en zichzelf er in verstoppen. Nu denk je vast: las ik dat nou goed dat developers zich in de game verbergen. Yep, dat heb je goed gelezen, daarom heeft de website Crackers.com nu dit artikel online gezet met zes van deze games. Want wist je dat je met de maker van God of War en Kratos kon bellen??

#6. God of War -- Hit the Statues 400 Times and You Can Phone the Creator of the Game (and the Main Character)

God of War for PlayStation 2 follows a Spartan named Kratos who murders his way up the ladder until he can literally become the God of War, ending the game by climbing up Mount Olympus to assume the throne of Ares. There's a developer Easter egg here, but you sure as hell have to work for it.

As you walk to the throne at the end of the game, you may notice two statues standing on each side, but they appear to be nothing but part of the scenery: If you hit them, nothing happens. Well, it turns out that you're simply not hitting them enough times -- you actually can destroy them, it's just that it takes somewhere between 200 and 400 hits to do that. For each statue.

And then, if you succeed in not getting bored with the mindless task and actually destroy both statues, the screen will show a code that, once decrypted, turns out to be a toll-free phone number -- the game is from 2005, but the phone was still working as recently as 2010 (although for all we know it might be a Taco Bell by now). So what happens if you call there? You get a recorded message from Kratos himself, who congratulates you for finding the secret:

Halfway through the message, though, the call is hijacked by the game's writer and director, David Jaffe, much to Kratos' confusion and irritation. Jaffe starts off praising you for wasting your time whaling on those statues for an eternity, but then decides you actually "kinda suck" if you simply looked the secret up online, or had it carelessly spoiled for you by some comedy website. Considering that most sane players are likely to whack the statues a few times, shrug their shoulders and move on to the ending, anyone who did find it on their own probably spent the entire game pounding on every piece of scenery for an hour.

Finally, Kratos gets fed up with Jaffe's talk of "games" and "sequels" and murders him for experience orbs. Really, it was the only way that conversation could have ended.
