MOH: Zero Dark Thirty Map Pack Trailer

RDJ134 10 september 2012 om 22:11 uur

Altijd al Bin Landen in zijn baard willen schieten?? Dan moet je even een pre-order doen voor Medal of Honor, want dan krijg je twee missies waar in je oa de meeste gezochte man van deze planeet zijn fort kan bestormen. Wat een toeval dat dit alles uitkomt zo net voor de Amerikaanse verkiezingen enzo. Maar goed, hier is de trailer.

A decade long manhunt. The world's most dangerous places.

The decade long hunt to find Bin Laden went through some of the most remote and dangerous parts of the world. The Darra Gun Market is located in a tribal land where the rules are defined by only two principles -- hospitality and revenge. No police are allowed to enter the area and all the laws are made by the tribal leader. This small town in Pakistan is home to dozens of back-alley shops and self-taught machinists who are in many cases building guns by hand. Almost no outsiders ever see this town. What better place to hide than where only locales and known tribal members are allowed to enter.

Chitral is another area of Pakistan thought for a time to be one of Bin Laden's hideouts. A rural mountainous area filled with deep narrow valleys, it has many places that are inaccessible several months each year because of snow and road conditions. There are over 1200 small towns scattered throughout the Chitral district and finding someone who doesn't want to be found would be next to impossible.

Medal of Honor Warfighter steps into the boots of the soldiers who led the hunt for Bin Laden and takes you to the locations where only the most elite dare enter.
