Tien game tracks om seks op te hebben

RDJ134 17 september 2012 om 20:09 uur

Als echte game nerd zal je toch vroeger een keer met een ega van bil moeten gaan, en dat doe je dan niet op de cliche Barry White muziek. Maar uiteraard op muziek uit games, en daarom heeft de website Topless Robot nu deze top tien gemaakt. Daar op staan maar liefst twee Donkey Kong Country tracks.

6) "Aquatic Ambience", Donkey Kong Country

It's funny: listen to this music away from the game it was made for and it almost seems like something from an '80s teen movie slow dance scene rather than the underwater levels of Donkey Kong Country. This is indeed from the original DKC, though (not to be confused with dyskeratosis congenita, which is apparently a big concern for Wikipedia). Something about designing water-based levels seems to bring out the sensitive sides in game music composers: I guess there's something more romantic about floating around underwater than, say, stomping on lizard people in an abandoned factory (that's a challenge, game designers). If you do decide to add this particular weapon to your sexual arsenal, make sure you avoid thinking any thoughts related to the CG cartoon series from the '90s. That, as Justin Bond would say, is a real weenie shrinker.
