De vijf beste Spider-Man games

RDJ134 20 september 2012 om 18:19 uur

De vaste bezoekers van weten uiteraard dat ik altijd Spider-Man games afzeikt door dat deze in het verleden extreem slecht waren. Maar de realiteit is ook dat de laatste games rond om deze Marvel superheld best goed te pruimen zijn, en daarom heeft de website nu deze top vijf gemaakt. Daar op schittert ook:

2. Shattered Dimensions

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is the place where creativity, Spider-Man and video games meet. The game was released in 2010 and featured not just one, but four different Spider-mans (Spider-men?) In the beginning of the game, Mysterio from the "amazing universe" steals the Tablet of Order and Chaos from the Empire State University Museum and in an attempt to take him down in the act, The Amazing Spider-Man accidentally breaks the tablet, endangering the multiverse.

The shattered tablet is now spread out between 4 different universes, each with its own Spider-Man, different art and slightly different playstyle. The Amazing features your classic beat 'em up, the Ultimate does so also, but is more cartoonish; the 2099 universe is also similar but also retains some free-fall events. The most unqiue of the 4 universes is the Noir universe, where Spider-Man has to be very sneaky, drawing heavy inspiration from the Arkham Asylum game, no doubt.

As opposed to most modern Spider-Man games, this one game is level-based and not free-roam. During each level, there will be a new famous Spider-Man villain boss fight, who all have used a tablet fragment to enhance their already formidable skills and or powers. One issue with it was the sheer length of each level, which was only an issue because there was no mid-game saving; so it was either complete the entire level or start over tomorrow.

The idea of having 4 universe in one game was genius and the varied gameplay, very entertaining. Whilst the game might have had its faults and not have appealed enough for people to do level re-runs, it most definitely is a job well done by the developers.
