Joe Dante interview over The Hole 3D

RDJ134 3 oktober 2012 om 15:11 uur

Joe Dante is een briljante regisseur die al een aantal grote cult klassiekers op zijn naam heeft staan, en maakte in 2009 The Hole 3D die vorig jaar maart in de Nederlandse bioscopen draaide. In Amerika is deze film nog altijd niet uitgebracht, maar had de website dit interview met Dante, en daarin verteld hij over de lange vertraging.

What happened in that time? Why did it take so long to be released?

We were originally supposed to shoot in the summer of 2008. You may remember that was when the big economic meltdown happened. So they ended up not having the money and we shot in the winter. When we finally finished it, we had taken stock of all the 3D-capable theaters out there and, believe it or not, there weren't that many. We looked at what the competition would be. Avatar wasn't coming out for a while, and there were very few other 3D movies coming out, so we figured we had the field to ourselves. We didn't reckon on the fact that they had figured out how to turn 2D movies into 3D movies. So all these big blockbuster movies like Alice in Wonderland and Clash of the Titans were now playing in our theaters, even though they hadn't been shot in 3D. Now there was no room for us, and we didn't have any movie stars or a big spectacle. So we got crowded out for the rest of that year, basically. Then there were attempts to find a distributor... it just snowballed into reasons why the picture was never coming out. It was frustrating. Finally, much like our competition Cabin in the Woods, which was shot around the same time and also didn't come out for several years, we are finally getting our shot.
