Zeven video game Easter Eggs die een mind fuck zijn

RDJ134 6 oktober 2012 om 19:12 uur

Diverse keren per week zie je hier wel op Eigenwerld.nl de nodige Easter Eggs voorbij komen, maar meeste zijn een onschuldige verwijzingen naar iets. Maar er zijn enkele die nergens over gaan en een regelrechte mindfuck blijken te zijn. Daarom heeft de website Cracked.com nu deze lijst gemaakt en daar van is mijn favoriet:

#7. Silent Hill 2: The Dog Ending

The Silent Hill franchise is generally recognized as one of the most terrifying game series ever produced. It's all evil gods and twisted limbs and beings with geometric objects for heads.

So these games are pretty freaky to begin with, but somehow, a secret ending for Silent Hill 2 managed to make the entire franchise even weirder. The second game is about James Sunderland, a widower who goes into the haunted town of Silent Hill to look for his dead wife. To see the coveted ending, you need to beat the game at least once and play it over again to find a bone-shaped key, which grants you access to a secret room.

It may take you as many as three playthroughs to get this right, but it's totally worth it, because once you open the door, you'll find ...

... a dog in a headset, mucking around at a control panel. Apparently, everything that happened in Silent Hill was his work -- that isn't us talking, that's the game.

Realizing that the search for his wife has all been for naught and he's been a puppet of a freaking dog all this time, James falls to his knees for the small comfort of said dog licking his face.

Then the credits roll to circusy organ music, accompanied by yapping dog sounds and random pictures. And we mean random.

By the way, this isn't the last we see of the dog -- in Silent Hill: Origins, one of the endings has an alien beaming down to help the protagonist get his missing truck back. Wanna guess who's with him?
