Hugo Weaving wil niet meer de Red Skull spelen

RDJ134 16 oktober 2012 om 02:08 uur

Hugo Weaving die in Captain America: The First Avenger de rol van Nazi schurk Red Skull speelde heeft geen zin meer om dit nog een keer te gaan doen. Want zoals je hier onder kan lezen heeft hij er simpel weg geen zin meer in om nog terug te keren. Maar hij heeft getekend voor een aantal films en zal zijn contract met tegenzin na komen als het echt niet anders kan.

"I did that for Captain America. I think the tendency, with those films, would be to probably not bring a villain back. They might for 'The Avengers', but I didn't think I'd be in Captain America 2 or 3. I don't think Red Skull will be there.

And it's not something I would want to do again. I'm glad I did it. I did sign up for a number of pictures and I suppose, contractually, I would be obliged to, if they forced me to, but they wouldn't want to force someone to do it, if they didn't want to. I think I've done my dash with that sort of film. It was good to do it and try it out, but to be honest, it's not the sort of film I seek out and really am excited by.

As an actor, to do all sorts of different films is great. It stretches you in different ways. But, I increasingly like to go back to what I used to always do, which is to get involved with projects that I really have a personal affiliation with."
