Jenna Dewan Tatum over American Horror Story

RDJ134 17 oktober 2012 om 18:28 uur

Aankomende nacht zal het tweede seizoen van American Horror Story van start gaan op de Amerikaanse TV. Daarom heeft de website Fearnet een interview gehad met Jenna Dewan Tatum die een grote rol in de prequel serie gaat spelen.

FEARNET: A lot of this second season is kind of shrouded in mystery. We know a few basic things and the previews are super creepy, but can you tell me a little bit about your role?

JDT: Well, not really, to be honest with you. (Laughs) I'm sort of sworn to secrecy, but I can tell you a little bit. Adam Levine and I play lovers and we go to this insane asylum and all Hell breaks loose. That's pretty much what I can tell you. (Laughs) It's frightening. It's definitely scarier than the last season. There's some pretty shocking stuff that we do. I think it's just going to be really fun for people to see something completely different than what I've ever done. And also, just a great season with really great actors. Everyone in it is just unbelievable.
