Arnold Schwarzenegger terug in The Legend of Conan

RDJ134 26 oktober 2012 om 17:32 uur

Vorig jaar verscheen Conan the Barbarian die echt ongelofelijk slecht was en eigenlijk de titel Conan niet eens had mogen dragen. De gelijknamige film uit 1982 met Arnold Schwarzenegger is nog altijd één van mijn favoriete films uit mijn jeugd. Maar volgend jaar kruipt Arnie weer in de rol wat zijn grote doorbraak veroorzaakte, want hij zal wederom Conan spelen. Alleen is deze wat uitgeblust en weet dat zijn einde er aan komt. Dit is wat de producent Fredrik Malmberg er over kwijt wilde. Klinkt goed op papier, nu maar hopen dat het ook goed uitwerkt. Want laten we eerlijk zijn Schwarzenegger heeft zijn tijd gehad en is eigenlijk een slechte grap van zich zelf aan het worden.

The original ended with Arnold on the throne as a seasoned warrior, and this is the take of the film we will make. It's that Nordic Viking mythic guy who has played the role of king, warrior, soldier and mercenary, and who has bedded more women than anyone, nearing the last cycle of his life. He knows he'll be going to Valhalla, and wants to go out with a good battle...This movie picks up Conan where Arnold is now in his life, and we will be able to use the fact that he has aged in this story. I love the property of Conan so much that I wouldn't touch it unless we came up with something worthy. We think this is a worthy successor to the original film. Think of this as Conan's Unforgiven.

Will that level of violence be there? Absolutely, but only if it serves a character who lives by that barbarian law of the wild, who is capable of extreme violence and rage, but who has created his own code and operates from within it. By the end of that film, Conan became a certain character, and this film picks him up there, as he faces different challenges that include dealing with age.
