Gearbox adviseert X360 gamers om geen Borderlands 2 met vreemden te spelen

RDJ134 27 oktober 2012 om 16:24 uur

Gearbox heeft via hun forum laten weten dat het voor de Xbox 360 spelers van Borderlands verstandiger is om niet te spelen met vreemde mensen. Want er zijn nu spelers die via een programma je hele game en karakter ontwikkeling kunnen verneuken. Iets wat Radical en ik al eens hebben mee gemaakt in het eerste deel waar we wapens van iemand kregen en we niet meer 2XP per kill meer konden scoren. Maar goed voor Borderlands 2 komt er binnenkort een patch uit die het probleem oplost.

Recently a few users have begun violating the Xbox Live Code of Conduct by using an external application to maliciously disrupt the experience and sabotage characters of legitimate Borderlands 2 players on Xbox 360. Fortunately it's easy to avoid this scenario.

After extensive internal testing, an update to prevent this disruption has been submitted to Microsoft and will be released as soon as possible. Until then, concerned Xbox 360 players of Borderlands 2 should consider playing online with trusted individuals in non-public sessions. This does not affect players on PC or PlayStation 3.

We also advise that before ceasing play, users always select "Save and Quit" from within the pause menu while their character is alive. If after the death of their character players find themselves at the main menu of Borderlands 2 instead of respawning in-game, be sure to immediately select "Continue" to resume playing as that character.

We ask that players report any suspicious behavior in Borderlands 2 to and provide as much details and documentation of their disrupted experience as possible to assist us in our investigation.
