Microsoft was niet blij met de naam Halo

RDJ134 3 juni 2010 om 16:49 uur

Halo van Bungie was de grote launchtitel van de eerste Xbox, en zorgde ervoor dat deze console verkocht als een gek. Maar wat blijkt nu, Microsoft was helemaal niet blij met de naam Halo en wilde deze dan ook schrappen. Maar naar lang onderhandelen kwamen Bungie en Microsoft tot de overeenkomst dat deze titel de subtitel Combat Evolved kreeg.

Bungie wanted the game to be simply called "Halo". Microsoft, who published the game, pushed the "Combat Evolved" subtitle onto the game. "Oh, man... the subtitle," Halo designer Jaime Griesemer told Edge Magazine. "At the time, Microsoft marketing thought Halo was not a good name for a video game brand. It wasn't descriptive like all the military games we were competing with."

"The compromise was they could add a subtitle. Everyone at Bungie hated it. But it turned out to be a very sticky label and has now entered the gaming lexicon to the point where articles that have nothing to do with Halo get titles like 'Skateboarding Evolved'. So I guess in hindsight it was a good compromise."
