Tien dingen die je waarschijnlijk niet wist over Spider-Man

RDJ134 5 november 2012 om 01:56 uur

Spider-Man is altijd al mijn favoriete Marvel Superheld geweest, en ik ben dacht dat ik dan ook alles over deze vrolijke webslingeraar wist. Maar op deze lijst staan een hoop dingen waar ik geen weet van had. Dingen zoals :

8. Spider-Man's web fluid only lasts for about an hour

A common sight for New Yorkers of the Marvel Universe, Spider-Man can often be witnessed swinging overhead on a thin strand of webbing. But unlike the rest of his powers, Peter's web fluid isn't a side effect of being bitten by a radioactive spider. Instead, Peter used his scientific know-how to develop his own adhesive web and web-shooters, which allow him to not only travel in style above the rooftops, but to also bind villains for the police to discover at their leisure when they're done doing whatever it is police do in a city chock full of superheroes.

Luckily for window washers and street cleaners alike, Stan Lee was quick to key in readers to the fact that Spidey's webbing only lasts for about an hour before it evaporates into thin air. This concept was explained in the very first annual of 'The Amazing Spider-Man' from 1964, and expanded upon in many tales afterwards, including a short story in 2005's 'Spider-Man Unlimited' #7 by a brilliant writer unashamed of self-promotion. The webbing's time limit was Stan Lee's way of explaining why the often-broke Peter Parker didn't just quit his life of crime fighting to pursue a lucrative career in the adhesive business.
