Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome was altijd bedoelt als webserie

RDJ134 13 november 2012 om 17:13 uur

Enkele dagen gelden kon je hier op al de eerste twee episodes van Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome zien, en deze is wereldwijd goed door de fans van de franchise ontvangen. Nu had de website een interview met maker David Eick en deze verteld onder andere dat het altijd de bedoeling is geweest om er een tiendelige webserie van de te maken.

It was always developed, at least from my point of view, as a project for an online environment and it was something we would develop and structurally, narratively build as a 10 part serial. Kind of like the 'Raiders of the Ark' style adapted the 1930's style movie serials where you have 10 minutes of story and a cliffhanger followed by 10 minutes of story and a cliffhanger and after 10 of these episodes it would resolve itself and react structure as a whole movie. So when I set out to develop this, my thinking was to design a mission, sort of speak, of course once the characters and the overall ideas were approved by the network, a mission that could be, as missions are often are in the military sense, divided into 10 smaller missions.
