Vijf redenen waarom The Lawnmower Man de beste 16-Bit game ooit is

RDJ134 19 november 2012 om 18:10 uur

Twintig jaar geleden verscheen de Stephen King verfilming The Lawnmower Man, waar in James bond de piloot Frank Lapidus uit Lost van een retard tot een cyber god maakte. De film is typisch jaren negentig cheesy, met veel foute CGI scenes. Uiteraard verscheen er een video game van voor alle platformen die er toen der tijd waren. De game deed het verdomd goed op de Snes en Megadrive, en is volgens deze website de beste 16-Bit game ooit gemaakt. Want hoe je het went of keert, deze titel was zijn tijd meer dan ver vooruit.

#1) Gameplay Variety

It must be said that there's nothing original in this game in terms of mechanics. It's a bizarre mix of genres and ideas from games ranging from Contra to Sonic The Hedgehog to StarFox to Wolfenstein 3D. But it mixes all of these into a game that actually has a satisfying variety of gameplay.

The game itself wasn't anything revolutionary, per se, but it did make an effort to at least do a good job with every genre it explored. For example, the side-scrolling sections had hidden areas and other aspects that you needed to explore. It was required, actually: If you didn't find all the terminals in the game, you got the crappy ending.

Yes, this is a game for the SNES in 1992 that had alternate endings.

It was also well paced: No section of the game goes on long enough to wear out its welcome, making it entertainingly bite-sized while also possessed of an unforgiving difficulty.
