Nintendo stopt met ontwikkeling van Wii games

Gtamen 22 november 2012 om 08:35 uur

In een interview met Gamespot heeft Bill Trinen bekent gemaakt dat Nintendo geen plannen meer heeft om nieuwe games te ontwikklen voor de Wii. Ik weet zeker dat er een hoop arme omatjes en kleine kindertjes boos zijn omdat ze hun geliefde Wii nu wel weg kunnen gooien.

Is there still a market for the Wii? Are you guys going to continue to support it?

Wii itself is really interesting because there are so many people who have that system and know what that system is that there's still a lot of opportunity for software sales on Wii. A lot of that consumer is somebody who is looking for...good games. So whether it's things like Nintendo Selects or a lot of the users also are still using their Wii to deliver Netflix content. I think there's also the potential for a lot of people who still haven't purchased Wii, believe it or not, who might be interested at the right price. So we'll probably be looking at it more from that standpoint.

Is Nintendo developing internally any Wii games? Are there any projects in the pipeline?

No, there are not right now.
