Nieuwe Dark Souls 2 screens en zal makkelijker worden dan Dark Souls 1

Gtamen 10 december 2012 om 18:42 uur

Tijdens de VGA was Dark Souls 2 aangekondigd dus het promoten kan beginnen. Ook heeft de developer aangekondigd dat de game makkelijker te begrijpen is, maar niet makkelijker kwa niveau. Dus meer casual voor alle 12 jarige die van hun mammie hun smoel moeten houden.

Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura will share responsibilities as game directors, and their personalities are influencing the shift. "I personally am the sort of person who likes to be more direct than subtle," Shibuya told Edge. "[Dark Souls 2] will be more straightforward and more understandable."

This doesn't necessarily mean the game will be easier, but the pair seem squarely focused on making it a bit more approachable. That way, those too put off by the game's early hours might find they enjoy it.
