LOL: Hoe lang en hoe duur is het om de Death Star te dweilen

RDJ134 19 december 2012 om 19:47 uur

Pas geleden zijn er mensen een petitie gestart om de Death Star uit Star Wars te kunnen bouwen, wat natuurlijk al een hoog WTF?? opzich zelf is. Maar er zijn dus ook personen op deze wereld die nu hebben uitgerekend hoe duur het is om deze te onderhouden en hoe lang het personeel er over zou doen. Het verrassende en nutteloze antwoord kan je hier onder lezen.

Let's assume a very generous mopping rate of 1 square meter per second. If Darth Vader were to try to mop the entire station without a break then it would take him 11.4 million years to do it. Which seems like a lot, but would at least give him plenty of time to think about his children.
But the canteen probably wouldn't be pleased with a kitchen that is only cleaned every ten million years or so. There's not too much mud in space so let's assume that the entire station has to be cleaned once a year. We also assumed a standard workweek of 40 hours. To get the job done in a year 48.0 million workers would have to be hired. This represents around 33% of America's total labour force. If you could somehow convince them all to work for minimum wage then the owners of the Death Star would have to budget $723 billion a year to keep the floors clean. This would represent about 30% of the American federal government's annual budget. [Centives]
