Fez komt ook naar andere platformen

RDJ134 31 december 2012 om 21:17 uur

Fez is een hele leuke oldskool titel die het verdomd goed deed, maar ook gebukt ging onder een hoop negatieve publiciteit. Want de game had wat bugs en Polytron wilde deze graag fixen, maar Microsoft vraagt $10.000 voor het toestemmen van een patch en dat weigerde Polytron te betalen en kreeg een dikke rel als gevolg. Vandaag is bekend geworden dat de game nu ook naar andere platformen geport gaat worden, en dat de makers bezig zijn met nieuwe titels. Maar dit alles kan je in het onderstaande persbericht lezen.

I am sitting in an empty polyplex, our place of work for the last 3 years.

Abandoned for months now, it hasnt seen much use since Renaud left for Toronto.

Everything is packed up. Today i move out as our lease expires along with the year, marking the end of an era.

2012 was crazy.

2011 was also crazy, but 2012 somehow managed to completely out-crazy it.

We experienced abyssal lows, but also life-affirming highs. Life-changing highs.Really, really high highs. It took everything but we shipped the fucking thing. And it was a success.

It didnt break any records, but it made more than enough to let me keep doing what i do. So im afraid you're stuck with me for a little while longer.

Even though the game came out some 9-ish months ago now, i don't feel like any of it has really sunken in yet. Between the game and the documentary, too much happened. Too much to process. I feel like i learned something, but i dont know exactly what it is yet. Keep your mouth shut maybe?

Between Sundance, IGTM, winning the IGF, becoming a notorious racist, the game coming out, the patch incident, becoming a notorious asshole, travelling the world, battling a brutal post-partum depression and finding love, my ears are still ringing.

2012 was crazy.

But what now?

2013 is going to be an interesting one, too.

For one, FEZ will finally be ported to other platforms.

Yes, i've heard you, dozens of people emailing me everyday telling me how much of an idiot i am for not porting FEZ to everything.

We also have some exciting plans for the soundtrack, and something about a US branch?

Beyond that however, the future is uncertain for polytron.

It's just me now. I could do anything with this company, but i dont know what yet.

There's a couple of new games in the pipeline, of course.

But there's also an ambition to do so much more.

I want to design everything!

Maybe not a videogame? Maybe something else entirely.


And that's exciting!

I hope you're excited too!
